
Della Smith Human Trafficking

I’m not the ugly things you say
I don’t like what you call me
I don’t enjoy your cruel touch
Or the way that you defile me
I’m screaming on the inside
Please stop and let me go
I don’t want to do these things
I want to tell you NO!!!!!
I’m not an object, thing or toy
I am a human being
I’m not some invented fantasy
I hurt, I’ve got real feelings
The only pleasure going on
Is happening in your mind
Just because I must obey
Doesn’t mean it’s fine
I’m longing for a gentle touch
Not your selfish demands
A simple hug would mean so much
No more of your commands
I hear your footsteps coming
My heart is filled with dread
I’m dying on the inside
Won’t be long before I’m dead
I want to go far, far away
To run away and hide
But the only place that I can go
Is somewhere in my mind
I’m leaving now, not really here
I’m in a better place
I’m not listening to your words
Not looking at your face
Will someone be my hero?
I’m praying one will come
I need a place of refuge
I need my own safe home
Can someone hear me bleeding?
Anyone at all?
Can you hear heaven weeping?
Will you answer heaven’s call?
~Della Smith 4/22/2010


Psa 35:17  Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. 

For more information about the issue of human trafficking, go to:
Exodus Cry is an international anti-trafficking organization committed to abolishing modern day slavery and assisting the victims of human trafficking and slavery through rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration into society.
Their mission is to end Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery

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